
2023-12-21 16:51:58 阅读



1、melody [5melEdI] n. -dies 美妙的音乐;优美的旋律 歌曲 主旋律;曲调;主调 I like that song; it has a pleasant melody. 我喜欢那首歌,它有悦耳的旋律。

2、 melody AHD:[mµl“…-d¶] D.J.:[6mel*di8] K.K.:[6mWl*di] n. pl. mel.o.dies; 【复数】 mel.o.dies; A pleasing succession or arrangement of sounds. 曲调优美的音响连续或排列 Musical quality: 音乐性: the melody of verse. 诗歌的音乐性 Music 【音乐】 A rhythmically organized sequence of single tones so related to one another as to make up a particular phrase or idea. 旋律单个音符或乐音在节奏上的编排,以使之相互联系而组成一具体的乐句或意象 Structure with respect to the arrangement of single notes in succession. 如此形成的旋律单元如上述那样将单个音符连成串而组成的结构 The leading part or the air in a harmonic composition. 主旋律,主声调和声乐曲中之主要声部 A poem suitable for setting to music or singing. 适于歌唱的诗适于为之谱曲或适用于演唱的诗歌 Middle English melodie 中古英语 melodie fromOld French 源自古法语 fromLate Latin mel½dia 源自后期拉丁语 mel½dia fromGreek mel½idia[ singing choral song ] 源自希腊语 mel½idia[ (合唱的)赞美诗歌 ] melos[ tune ] melos[ 曲调 ] aoid¶[ song ] aoid¶[ 歌曲 ] *See Also : wed- In Appendix melody [5melEdi] n. 美妙的音乐 和谐的调子 歌曲; 咏唱的诗 【音】主调; 旋律 The success of a popular composer depends on his melody. 人们喜爱的作曲家成功的秘诀在于他谱写的优美的音乐。

3、 He played a delightful melody on his flute. 他用笛子吹奏了欢快的曲调。

4、 A great poet is a master melody. 大诗人也是音律大师。

